Some times change can come along in your life when you least expect it. Change implies making either an essential difference often amounting to a loss of original identity, or to make different in some way: to alter, to make radically different: to transform.
Seven years ago I experienced a change that suddenly did all of those things, it altered my life and made it radically different, I felt as if I would never be the same, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Suddenly all that I knew and was accustomed to had become extremely different, initially it was a challenge and something that was very scary in many ways, and I was definitely paddling in uncharted waters. But I eventually realized that this change was something that I could not will myself through, and that there was no cure for. I was forced to learn about diabetes; and began to look at my life and how I did things with a new perspective. I began to adapt and incorporate the fact that I now had a chronic disease with my very active and high energy lifestyle, and slowly began to except the change in my life.
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Me, after a short 4 mile paddle. |
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Adaptation and Incorporation! |
Change is never far away from any of us, whether it is the loss of someone or something that was very dear to you, or you are suddenly diagnosed with a chronic disease, maybe things did not turn out the way you thought they might or perhaps picking up your life moving to somewhere new.
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I just recently sold most of everything I owned and moved back to the Islands....just a little bit of a change! |
No matter what we do changes in our lives are going to happen, and so maybe if we learn to accept these changes and adapt it might not always be that bad.
I still swim, paddle and train just as before I was diagnosed.....but now I just need to check my blood sugars before I do these things.
So if we can agree that change will occur in our lives, the next step is realizing that most of the time the only thing that we can really control is ourselves and what we choose to do with change. Taking control of your own destiny in regards to the change will help you to accept and manage the changes that may occur in your life. It’s basically similar to when I am out on the water training for or racing in an event, if during the paddle the water conditions change I need to adapt to the changing conditions, being sure not to necessarily deviate from my plan, but to go with the surrounding conditions to lessen their impacts. This allows for me to continue with my training, or racing but with a few minor adjustments.
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2011 Tahoe Nalu Distance race, the wind had picked up and this guy on a 14' Bark had been drafting on the back of my 12'6 Hobie for at least the last 3 or 4 miles. |
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So I choked up on my paddle and increased my cadence, caught a couple of small bumps heading into the beach and dropped the guy like a bad habit! |
Even though changes will occur in your life you don’t need to be totally knocked off course, they might force you to change direction a little, but with some adjustments you can eventually continue on your way. We need to be open to change and to be flexible to the possibilities that may come from the change, this will allow for you to adapt and stay focused on your dreams and aspirations. This will assist you in staying on course, having direction and purpose.
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The finish at the 2011 Hennessey's World Championships. Caught a wave into the beach was totally gassed, got launched, stayed focused and still managed to run up the beach to a descent finish! |
Easy to say, hard to do….we should always try and look for the silver lining, the positive, in the changes that occur in our lives. From the very first day I was diagnosed I began to think of ways that I might be able to someday use this change to help others. It was more than likely at the time just a way to cope with the change, but hey, whatever works. Once the initial shock, denial and anger began to subside and I began to accept that I was going to spend the rest of my life as a type 1 diabetic, I began to look for opportunities that may exist. Eventually Stand up Paddle (SUP) came into my life exposing a whole bunch of different opportunities.