Thursday, August 18, 2011

2011 Ta-hoe Nalu Paddle Festival - 10 MILE DISTANCE RACE - 2nd place SUP Stk.

Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."

I love that quote, it kind of say's it all. Thing's have not always been as good as they are right now. I am smiling and having fun this morning, the day of the 10 mile distance race. But as a type 1 diabetic I have struggles that alot of the racers don't have to deal with. But that's why kinda why I created this blog, for people that have to deal with obsticales that have been placed in their lives. Don't give up, I know that it may seem really hard and you may feel like every time you try and get up something else knocks you down.....but I believe that when one door closes another one opens.

My life is far from great and I still deal with all kinds of stuff......but you know what? "You gotta keep your head up, and it'll turn out fine"

It's not only about overcoming challenges, sharing dtermination or getting across the finish line, but to try and inspire hope and possibility.....

Focusing on what I need to do during the 10 mile race, visualizing everything from the start to the finish.

The race starts at a little after 9:00 a.m., I was worried about my blood sugar being to high and/or too low. I loaded my hydration system with some water mixed with a carbohydrate type syrup that will dissolve in the water and not settle at the bottom of the reservoir. During races over 6 miles I will typically deplete the glucose in my system, sometimes sooner due to the fact that I'm racing and exerting 90 to 100% of my energy. So I not only have to hydrate, but I also have to ingest carbohydrates or risk bonking....or passing out and, well it's never happened so I don't really know what will happen. (I have bonked during a race, just never passed out).

Little specs on the horizon. That point in the distance is called Dollar Point, the bouy is set just off the point.....just keep paddling, just keep paddling!

I am about a half mile off the beach and have been chasing down the 14's and I am pretty sure that any of the other 12'6 stk. SUP guys are behind me. So I am going for broke trying to catch the 20 year old kid who is also on a 12'6 Stk. and is ahead of me by about one minute.

The wind is picking up and has been blowing at our backs. So I try and do what I call the "Conner Baxter" and it works....holding the paddle like this seems to allow me to turn over a little quicker and gain some speed, wich allows me to catch a few of the bumps!

I am pulling with all that I have left in the tank. The guy on the 14' had been drafting on my tail for like about a mile after I caught and passed him. To have a 14' pull in behind your 12'6 stock and draft off you screws with your head. But I was able to shake him and finish strong!

O.K, the run up the beach and through the finish line...need sugar!

Kings Beach, CA.

2nd place SUP Stk.

1:59:47:52 Paul Zacharias M 47 Coronado, CA. Hobie

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